Title: Vice Mayor Li Zhangtong, a member of the Party Group of Fu'an City Government, and his delegation visited Jardine Matheson for research
Views: 505 Date: 2024-05-07

On the morning of May 6th, Vice Mayor Li Zhangtong, member of the Party Group of Fu'an City Government, and 

Deputy Director Chen Yong of Fu'an City Health Bureau visited Fujian Yihe Electronics Co., Ltd. to conduct research 

on the big health industry (massage equipment). Guo Guangfeng, Deputy General Manager of Yihe Company, and 

Lin Yaohua, Administrative Director, accompanied the leaders to visit the production workshop and product exhibition 

hall. Vice Mayor Li Zhangtong inquired in detail about the product categories and production situation of Yihe Company, 

and gave full recognition to the achievements of Yihe Company in the first quarter. Subsequently, both parties discussed 

the digitization, intelligent transformation and upgrading, enterprise development, and government policy support of 

the massage equipment industry.

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