Title: Fu'an Municipal Party Secretary Zhou Xiangqi and other leaders visited Yihe Company for research
Views: 310 Date: 2024-02-20

On February 19th, Zhou Xiangqi, Secretary of the Fu'an Municipal Party Committee, and Lian Jian, Deputy Mayor of 

Fu'an City, along with Xu Hongyu, Director of the Municipal Party Committee Office, Zheng Longkang, Director of the

Development and Reform Bureau, and Xie Hua, Director of the Industry and Information Technology Bureau, visited 

Yihe Company to carry out "four grassroots" and key projects, as well as enterprise resumption of work and production 

research activities. Chen Lianrui, General Manager of Yihe Company, and Guo Guangfeng, Deputy General Manager, 

accompanied the leaders to visit the production workshop. During the visit, Zhou Xiangqi, the Secretary of the 

Municipal Party Committee, learned about the company's on duty personnel situation, the development goal plan for 

2024, and the domestic and international market situation. He emphasized the need to go out, participate in more 

exhibitions, expand marketing channels, and enhance the company's voice through cost reduction and efficiency 

improvement. General Manager Chen Lianrui expressed gratitude to Secretary Zhou and other leaders for their 

concern for Yihe Company, and promised to continue to work hard to do a good job in enterprise development 

planning and achieve the excess achievement of the 2024 goals.

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