Title: Ningde City Federation of Trade Unions Investigates Guo Guangfeng's Model Worker and Craftsman Innovation Talent Studio
Views: 1172 Date: 2023-09-19

n order to understand and promote the dissemination of Jardine Matheson's excellent practical experience in the cultivation 

of model workers and artisan talents, and further promote the construction of the artisan talent team in Ningde City, on the 

afternoon of September 13th, You Fengyun, Secretary of the Party Group and Executive Vice Chairman of the Ningde City 

Federation of Trade Unions, and Yao Leyong, a member of the Organization Department of the Ningde City Party Committee 

and the head of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Group stationed at the headquarters of the Fu'an City Federation of 

Trade Unions, led the Party Group Secretary Accompanied by Executive Vice Chairman Chen Naixuan, he visited Yihe Company 

to conduct a research activity on Guo Guangfeng's Model Worker and Craftsman Talent Innovation Studio. Chen Lianrui, General 

Manager of Yihe Company, and Guo Guangfeng, Deputy General Manager, warmly received the visiting leaders. The Innovation 

Work Room for Model Guo Guangfeng and Craftsman Talents showcases the honorary certificates and award-winning works of 

Model Guo Guangfeng, full of an innovative atmosphere. After the visit, the leaders highly praised the cultivation, encouragement, 

and support provided by Jardine Matheson to Guo Guangfeng, believing that Guo Guangfeng is a model worker and a model 

craftsman for talent cultivation.

YiHe News Trade News