Title: Cheng Weibin, Director of Ningde Municipal Bureau of Statistics, and his delegation visited Yihe Company for research
Views: 1217 Date: 2023-11-10

On November 9th, Cheng Weibin, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Ningde Municipal Bureau of Statistics, 

ed relevant leaders of the Ningde Municipal Bureau of Statistics, accompanied by Lian Jian, Deputy Mayor of Fu'an City, and 

Wu Xiangyang, Deputy Director of Fu'an Municipal Bureau of Statistics, to visit Yihe Company for investigation and research. 

Lin Yaohua, Executive Director of Yihe Company, and Wang Dehua, Financial Lead Accountant, accompanied the research. 

The research team went deep into the production workshop of the enterprise to understand the production and 

manufacturing of products, and then inspected the Jardine Matheson Technology Center and laboratory to understand the 

research and development situation, tax and fee allocation situation, and the development situation of the massager industry 

in Fu'an City. In the product exhibition hall segment, the research team gained a detailed understanding of the company's sales 

situation in both domestic and international markets. Director Cheng fully affirmed the Jardine Matheson trip and stated that 

only by delving deep into the frontline of the enterprise can we truly understand the true situation and difficulties of the 

enterprise. Lian Jian, Vice Mayor of Fu'an City, stated that with the normalization of e-commerce and live streaming, the Fu'an 

City Government will next introduce new policies in overseas e-commerce to encourage and promote the development of 

overseas e-commerce.

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